Wednesday, February 25, 2009


After a lengthy/disturbing conversation with a dear "friend" this quick pic was the end result. For the love of the Gods don't look unless you're a fan of gore!

You have been warned!

9x12 Pen and Ink for those keeping score...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Angel Moon: Phase 3?

While the final price/payment is being worked out, Phase 3 is currently sitting around in prelimary phase, so let's hope we can come to terms!

Angel Moon: Phase 2

And, here's the cast of villains from the ongoing "Angel Moon" series. It's kinda glaringly obvious I need to keep working on my inking, no?

Angel Moon: Phase 1

Guess it's actually time to start posting up here, no? The first of the "Angel Moon" commissions, starring our primary cast or characters.