Monday, March 16, 2009

Wow, now I remember why I don't color things anymore...

Mary Jane "The Spider" Watson from the hit series "Transitions" and possibly one day a spin-off series of her own.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Milk Maiden Minako

Little quick pic I whipped up after chatting with True Sailor Io about his latest fanfic series. Minako from his "Milk Maiden" series or whatever it's called... Mayhaps I'll do one or two more if the mood hits me... Or if I get bored or something, I dunno.

Monday, March 2, 2009


There's something of a joy I find sometimes in naming my pics when it's something random like this...

GORE! More for just a little dual practice on "anatomy" and getting back into my drawing groove after all my laziness.

9x12 pen and ink done from start to finish in like an hourish for those who care...