Monday, November 30, 2009

Youma Lanterns, Part IV

Today's Lanterns:

Blue Lantern Aeris
Red Lantern Rei Ayanami

Green Lantern 2814.1
More to come soon!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Youma Lanterns, Part III

Couple new, quick ones for show.

Sinestro Corps member Chun-Li
Orange Lantern Yuffie Kisaragi

More to come soon!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Youma Lanterns, Part II

Some more Lanterns for your pleasure and theirs.

Orange Lantern Kitsune Konno

Sinestro Corps member Natasha Zabigov

Green Lantern Ukitsu

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Youma Lanterns, Part I

True Sailor Io and I were having a chat involving DC's Blackest Night, when it switched over to involving the Youma from "Transitions." Well, one thing led to another and I ended up drawing a few characters as Lanterns.

Star Sapphire Queen Ecstasy
Star Sapphire Princess Bliss

Sinestro Corps member Rei Hino

Sinestro Corps member Makoto Kino

More members to come soon.