Saturday, November 27, 2010

HoTD Quick Pic

So, it's SUPPOSED to be Saya Takagi from High School of the Dead... It just looks like shite.
Guess I'm gonna have to try again, no?

......................Think I need to draw smut more often, cause I'm way out of practice.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Not my usual fare, but after my dear sidekick started talking about her Halloween costume I felt inspired to draw this...

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two Corps Left!

Guess at some point I should get around to showing off some of the members of the final two Corps?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Neko x Wolf (Colors)

It's not so much that I'm a slow artist as much as I'm slow to scan things... And need to play more with my scanner so things come out better...

Friday, September 3, 2010

Rogue's in trouble!

Not happy with the end result of this, so think I'm gonna have to draw her again at some point...

Batwoman (not) Triumphant

And thus, the reason I'm not a caped crusader.
That, and I'm kinda evil....

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mera and Atrocitus Inks

You can have your Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris, or Sinestro and Abin Sur! Mera and Atrocitus are the couple for me.

Nekowolf (Inks)

One of these days I should work on better titling pics...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Nekowolf WIP

A piece of giftart I'm working on for someone who was majorly screwed over on a commission by someone who earned their ED article. Gonna take a while to get the inks done but I hope he likes how it's turning out!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mistress Honyuu

Io's been feeling down lately, so I decided to temporarily break my boycott and draw one of his characters from "Angel Moon."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Sailor Bacchus Again

Don't know what it is about this character, but drawing her really amuses me...

Red Lantern!

Chloe, one of Mistress Phantom's loyal minions, appears to have been discovered by a certain ring...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Been meaning to color/scan this pic up for awhile now, but in case you couldn't tell I get lazy at times. In any event, meet Tina, the pilot of the Happy Flower and Zafina's little sister.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Marcus in his Shikima form from True Sailor Io's fanfiction "La Blue Girl, Shikima Courtship".... I think.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Updates, of sorts...

Okay, I'm slowly coloring all the black and white stuff from my time in exile, but I'm HOPING to have some new stuff of some sort to show soon.

So, keep your fingers crossed!

Hitomi and Hotaru

That's a very human looking Hitomi... I wonder what's up with that?

What's your favorite color?

She's got a little something for everyone, it seems..

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Youma Lanterns X

Indigo Tribe member Shelinda.
Star Sapphire Cyan (Toon DMG)

Sunday, July 4, 2010


...........are tough.

But I have to keep practicing them.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Succubus WIP

Among other things I attempted with this pic was practicing going outside my usual comfort zone and drawing huge breasts...
....Apparently, I need to keep practicing.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hotaru and Hitomi

The meaning of this pic will make a lot more sense when I get the bloody thing colored...


Star Sapphire Cyan (Toon DMG) for your viewing pleasure.

Sailor Bacchus...

...this time in her civilian identity of Anna Bromios. Think I'll color her when I FINALLY get my stuff out of storage.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Misadventures in Sector XXX

Our fearless reporter has relayed back more images from the infamous sector for one and all to partake in!

Young, old, it doesn't seem to matter.

Neither brains nor brawn seem to be of any help.

Stay tuned to next time!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Misadventures in Sector XXX

Sector XXX is a dangerous place that should really be avoided at all costs. One can only wonder why these people didn't heed the warnings...

She might be good at slaying vampires, but it looks like Buffy didn't fare too well against the monsters..
Not even teens are safe!

Looks like that one Indigo Lantern just can't take a hint, huh?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


All sorts of depraved and twisted things go out out there, as these Lanterns have just learned...

Mayhaps we'll see more events from this sector soon...

Makoto's Facial

I think I'm out of practice drawing hentai...
What do you think?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Some artwork of a future character in action.

Green Lantern Zafina versus a Red Lantern.
Posing with her little sister, Tina.

Zafina, one of the many Green Lanterns for Sector 2814.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Whine Time!

I'd like to take a moment to whine and say that I miss having markers or something to use for coloring...

Deja Vu!

A blast from the past? Or a preview of the future?

Will hit it with colors if/when I can acquire new supplies.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Youma Lanterns IX

Green Lantern 2814.3

Orange Lantern Nami.

Star Sapphire Hotaru.

Star Sapphire Goei.